
photo of the day

08.23.02 - my reluctant trip to hell

summer vacation is over. time for an update. ironically, after the last tirade here about corporate veggie burgers, i get assigned to shoot the food of satan and it appears here for my next update.

this assignment was kindof fun. probably because i made it out to be a covert mission going undercover into enemy territory -- take some recon shots of the drive thru and suroundings, stealthily enter the premises and procure the evidence. pull out my RX-352 spy camera (okay, K-1000) and snap off half a roll. dispose of the evidence and escape. the table full of kids playing with their barbie happy meals next to us spoiled the delusion for only a second.
i reluctantly take pictures for the weekly paper. reluctant because not much inspires me too shoot of late. bands are usually a regurgitation of something that rocked my world 10 years ago -- will screamo be the new grunge?!? there are only so many angles on doing a restaurant pic or even a portrait for that matter. there aren't (m)any wars on this side of the world and even the protests and riots are few and far between. heck for the G-8 demo here i left my camera at home and went as a participant rather than an observer. at first i had the same feeling i get at a concert without my camera -- naked, without purpose, out of place -- but the malaise morphed into liberation and quasi-excitement, being part of the action as opposed an outsider. maybe i will do this more often.

at the last half dozen concerts i brought my camera to i didn't even bother taking it out of my courier bag. maybe it's just a phase. maybe it has something to do with not having a darkroom and finding scanning negatives a little too sterile.

seeing the Hot Snakes in Toronto gave me some hope. (check next update for documentary evidence)

i'll keep the below link the same.

link of the day

tell Yves what you think about his burgers being used to soften McDicks environmental blow

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all images (c) shawn scallen 2001-2002. please contact before using or reproducing.