
photo of the day

05.09.02 - phone booth at gas station off of I-5 between Coalinga and Avenal, CA

shot with my newly acquired Holga on a road trip from Oakland and Los Angeles.

why is the phone company called Pray Tel? probably because this rest stop is the front line in the gang war between Coalinga's Faxedhead and their neighbouring Avenal arch rivals the Bon Larvis band... i think the only number you can dial out is 911.

too bad we didn't have time to go to the Faxedhead Hall of Fame in Coalinga or go to the Reef-Sunset Middle School where Bon learned his licks in music class.

i became vegetarian over a decade ago after "overdosing" on beef and chicken fajitas (the same week my Soy Not Oi! cookbook arrived in the mail). after spending the last 48 hours wanting to die from food poisoning brought on by two bad Yves Veggie dogs, i am wondering if that is a sign.

boycott Yves Veggie products, not because of the hell their shitty veggie dogs put me through, but for jumping into bed with the devil (check the awesome disclaimer) -- Yves' soy burgers being used by the chain-which-cannot-be-named in an attempt to try appear more health/earth/eco friendly.

link of the day

tell Yves what you think about his burgers being used to soften McDicks environmental blow

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all images (c) shawn scallen 2001-2002. please contact before using or reproducing.