
fugazi photo of the day

guy picciotto - glebe community centre, ottawa, canada, september 1989

okay, so i have joked about doing "fugazi photo of the day" and how i have enough photos of them to do a complete year, well, here we go.

actually, it will just be a photo a day until i leave for Europe October 10, as a lead up to the release of Fugazi's two new records on Dischord -- the full length The Argument and the Furniture+2 seven inch/CDEP. Both releases come out on October 8 in Europe and October 15 (my birthday), in North America.

i received an email from Kerrang! magazine last week asking for Fugazi photos for an eight page retrospective article. after making sure it was cool with the band, (it was, they did an interview) i spent the next few days scanning slides/negs feverishly. thirty images later i still felt like i hadn't scanned enough, nor had a wide enough selection of great shots from various points in their existance.

i found it quite ironic that Kerrang! emailed me as i had recently asked a friend visiting from England to bring me a few music mags to find out what was going on and to possibly solicit some freelance work (thanx Dave!). one of the mags was Kerrang! i was kindof stunned to see Juno and Jimmy Eat World in Kerrang! along side all the rapcore, alternadreck and rocking deathmetal! -- the last time i had flipped thru the pages of the British Metal mag it was all Judas Priest, Iron Maiden and various other heavy/death/hair metal bands.

thier photo editor was totally nice and great to work with. one-hundred-and-sixty megs of ftp-ing and emailing later, you can check out a handful of my hundreds of Fugazi shots in the next ish of the mag, on the stands October 2.

i'll be in London Oct 11-16 and i'll be having a birthday party somewhere on the 15th. drop me an email if you have any info on great vegan restaurants in London and/or any cool gigs. (no, i am not paying £25 to see New Order.) same for any thrift stores or boot sales where i may be able to find old video game stuff like atari, colecovision, vectrex etc.

then i'll be off to Amsterdam to meet Atom and his Package. if you are in any of these cities, Oct 16-Nov 20, come up and say hi to me and tell me where to find vegan food. (can you tell i am really worried about that element of the trip?) at the shows i'll be selling merch or taking photos or trying to scout out local thrift stores which stock old video games.

link of the day

pandora fugazi fan site

sounds of the day

the soft disaster - helping other people everywhere CD - (alarm)

word of the day

lean-to  n.  1. a crude hut of branches, etc. sloping to the ground from a raised support. 2. a shed or extention of a building having a sloping roof and supported by an adjoining wall or structure.

right: "The scout troop foraged thru the woods for material to construct a lean-to."
wrong: "The photographer asked her subject to lean-to the left to get better light."


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all images (c) shawn scallen 2001. please contact before using or reproducing.